Tri-Ultra Cut Drill Sets

(1 customer review)

Tri-Ultra Cut drills outlast and outperform low-grade M35 5% Cobalt every time. They are made from special hi-molybdenum tool steel and are heat treated to 66 Rockwell. They feature oxidized black and gold surface, which provides maximum lubricity and higher heat handling. The thinner web construction means these tools will continually cut beneath the chip to cut softer steel.

Tri-Ultra Cut drills have a significantly longer cutting life that uses less torque and runs cooler. They have a tighter hole size and stop drill walking and chuck slippage.



  • Significantly longer cutting life
  • Stops drill walking
  • Runs cooler
  • Uses less torque
  • Holds tighter hole size
  • Stops chuck slippage

1 review for Tri-Ultra Cut Drill Sets

  1. Steven Thompson

    I have been using these consistently on various steel types and have found them to last longer and stay sharper long then other drills at the same price. I have stocked all my department with these drills and it saves me time, guys are continuously sharpening drills and money, as I am not always replacing drills.

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